Seri Photography
2021 Photo Contest
Saya mendapatkan informasi adanya Photo Contest ini dari Om Ojo, master Fotografi Nikon yang ada di The Six Boys.
Om Ojo mengingatkan teman teman di The Six Boys untuk segera mengirimkan karya karya fotonya untuk diikutkan di Photo Contest yang diadakan oleh The Nature Conservacy.
Ya, karena jadwal juga sudah mepet, terima info tanggal 27 Agustus 2021, Lomba ditutup tanggal 31 Agustus 2021. Terpaksa mulai mengoprak oprek koleksi foto foto yang ada di external memory.
Kontes Foto, The Nature Conservancy 2021 disponsori oleh The Nature Conservancy, 4245 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100, Arlington, VA 22203-1606 (“Pihak Sponsor”, juga disebut di dokumen ini sebagai “The Conservancy”).
The king of the Sumatran jungle, was caught drinking river water because he was thirsty.
Sumatran tiger, Panthera tigris sumatrae enjoys fresh river water in the forests of Sumatra, Indonesia.
Sumatran tiger, Panthera tigris sumatrae enjoys fresh river water in the forests of Sumatra, Indonesia. |
Kontes Foto dimulai pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2021, pukul 12:00 GMT atau 1 Agustus 2021, pukul 19:00 WIB dan berakhir pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2021, pukul 23:59 GMT atau 1 September 2021, pukul 6:59 WIB (“Periode Pengiriman”). Foto yang dikirim sebelum atau setelah Periode Pengiriman tidak akan diterima. Komputer pihak sponsor adalah alat pengukur waktu (time-keeping device) resmi untuk Kontes Foto.
Gambar/Foto akan dinilai berdasarkan keorisinilan, keunggulan teknik, komposisi, dampak keseluruhan, dan nilai artistik.
Untuk menjaga kapabilitas situs web kami, mohon tidak mengirimkan file lebih besar dari 4032 x 4032 piksel dan ukuran file tidak melebihi dari 25 MB. File asli foto dengan resolusi tinggi akan diminta jika foto berhasil memasuki babak final penjurian untuk penentuan penghargaan atau hadiah.
Seluruh foto harus merefleksikan obyek foto sesuai aslinya. Foto yang diolah secara digital di luar standar optimisasi (seperti proses cropping, menghilangkan bercak debu/spotting for dust, penyesuaian standar untuk eksposur, warna, dan kontras, dan lain-lain) akan didiskualifikasi.
Foto yang dikirimkan dapat dalam format apapun – termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada file digital, cetakan digital (digital prints), color transparencies, cetakan berwarna (color prints), atau cetakan hitam putih (black and white prints) – selama foto dikirimkan secara elektronik dalam format .JPEG, .jpg, atau .png. Gambar/foto HDR juga dapat diterima.
Foto yang telah dipublikasikan sebelumnya, yang tidak diberikan hak eksklusifnya, dapat diikutsertakan dalam lomba selama peserta masih dapat memberikan hak lisensi kepada The Conservancy (lihat “Hak Peserta” di bawah). Peserta wajib menyediakan informasi lokasi dan waktu publikasi foto tersebut, jika diminta oleh The Conservancy.
Jika mengirimkan foto dengan menampilkan sosok individu, peserta wajib mendapatkan surat perizinan yang diperlukan dari individu tersebut dan dapat memberikan salinan izin rilis tersebut jika diminta oleh The Conservancy.
Pemungutan suara untuk penghargaan People’s Choice dimulai pada tanggal 4 September 2021, pukul 12:00 GMT atau tanggal 4 September 2021, pukul 19:00 WIB dan berakhir pada tanggal 15 September 2021, pukul 23:59 GMT atau 16 September 2021, pukul 06:59 WIB (“Periode Pemungutan Suara”). Pemungutan suara yang dilakukan sebelum atau sesudah Periode Pemungutan Suara tidak akan diterima. Komputer pihak sponsor adalah alat pengukur waktu (time-keeping device) resmi untuk Kontes Foto.
Semua pemenang akan diumumkan di halaman web pada tanggal 30 September 2021, pukul 23:59 GMT atau tanggal 1 Oktober 2021, pukul 06:59 WIB. The Conservancy akan mengontak dan memberitahu para pemenang melalui informasi kontak yang telah disediakan di awal pendaftaran atau saat pengiriman foto.
Untuk permintaan daftar pemenang melalui surat pos, silakan mengirimkan amplop lengkap dengan informasi alamat dan perangko dan permintaan dari Anda ke The Nature Conservancy, Photo Contest, 4245 N Fairfax Dr. Suite 100, Arlington, VA 22203. Permintaan harus dikirimkan sebelum tanggal 1 Oktober 2021.
Ok, berikut cerita mengenai foto foto yang saya kirim. Semoga ada yang nyangkut dan bisa buat modal moto moto lagi.
Kemana Hutanku
Kisah seekor Siamang Kerdil, Owa Bilau, Hylobates klossi yang merasa sedih karena habitatnya hilang dan merasa kesepian karena tiada teman untuk bersahut sahutan.
Merasa sepi tanpa teman dalam habitatyang sudah rusak. Dalam kesendirian dan dalam kesepian. Duduk di ujung pohon tang tanpa kanopi, berteriak tidak ada yang menyahut.
Kisah seekor Siamang Kerdil, Owa Bilau, Hylobates klossi yang merasa sedih karena habitatnya hilang dan merasa kesepian karena tiada teman untuk bersahut sahutan. |
Me-Helarcatos malayanus and Bee
A Sun Bear, Helarcatos malayanus who has just been hunting honey and is being chased by a disturbed bee.
I am an excellent climber and arboreal
Beruang Madu yang sedang berburu Madu
Helarctos malayanus, sedang berburu Madu untuk sarapan pagi.
A Sun Bear, Helarcatos malayanus who has just been hunting honey and is being chased by a disturbed bee. |
With My Mom, The Story of Baby Orangutan
A mother Bornean Orangutan, Pongo pymaeus is carrying her child on walk around the Savana
A mother Bornean Orangutan, Pongo pymaeus is carrying her child on walk around the Savana
Alert Sumatran Elephant - Elephas maximus sumatranus
A Sumatran elephant, Elephas maximus sumatranus, Native to Sumatra Island, Indonesia, in one of the agricultural areas bordering in the forest in Lampung, Indonesia, seem to be wary of observing its surrounding. The Sumatran Elephant area and adjacent human settlement sometimes cause conflict.
A Sumatran elephant in one of the agricultural areas bordering the forest in Lampung, Indonesia seems to be wary of observing its surroundings.
The Sumatran Elephant area and adjacent human settlements sometimes cause conflict.
Photo taken in December 2020.
Take a rest
The little black cormorant (Phalacrocorax sulcirostris) is a member of the cormorant family of seabirds. It is common in smaller rivers and lakes throughout most areas of Australia and northern New Zealand, where it is known as the little black shag. It is around sixty centimetres long, and is all black with blue-green eyes.
Siamang Scream, gibbons that are no longer loud
A Siamang, Gibbon, Symphalangus syndactylus from Sumatran Forest calling and signaling to their friends. The Forest no longere resonates because its habitat has been damaged by human activities.
Photo Taken in December 2020
A Siamang, Gibbon, Symphalangus syndactylus from Sumatran Forest calling and signaling to their friends. |
A couple of Black Monkeys - Macaca nigra having fun looking for fleas and grooming
How to migle with a partner of SUlawesi black monkey. Looking for lice or grooming each other. Photo taken in December 2020.
A couple of Black Monkeys - Macaca nigra having fun looking for fleas and grooming |
Am I safe?How to Camouflage from the Javanm Deer, Cervus timorensis, which tries to hide from predators and hunters. East Java, Indonesia. Photo taken in December 2020.
How to Camouflage from the Javanm Deer, Cervus timorensis, which tries to hide from predators and hunters. East Java, Indonesia |
Waiting for Friends, The Grizzled Tree KangarooThe Grizzled Tree Kangaroo, Dendrolagus inustus is wating patienly for his friend. Above the forest trees, looks calm and patient. Indonesia. Photo taken in December 2020.
The Grizzled Tree Kangaroo, Dendrolagus inustus is wating patienly for his friend. Above the forest trees, looks calm and patient. |
Green Phyton, Morelia viridis relaxing time
A green Python, caught on camera enjoying a hot day. Rolling on the braches of trees in the forest area.
Green Phyton, Morelia viridis relaxing time A green Python, caught on camera enjoying a hot day. Rolling on the braches of trees in the forest area. |
Farmer and Paddy Field, Oryza sativa
Farmer and his paddy field at Kuningan, West java, Indonesia. Photo taken February 2020 at Paddy planting season.
Farmer and his paddy field at Kuningan, West java, Indonesia. Photo taken February 2020 at Paddy planting season. |
Binturong, Bear Cat, Lazy time
Binturung was caught on camera relaxing in the trees in the Sumatran forest in June 2021.
Bear cat or Binturong is Indonesian mammals was first dercribed by Sir Thomas Raffles, active during the day laight and at the night.
The King of the Sumatran Forest
Passing on the bank of a shallow river, the Sumatran Tiger, Panthera tigris sumatrae is very dashing and scary.
Staring warily around.
Passing on the bank of a shallow river, the Sumatran Tiger, Panthera tigris sumatrae is very dashing and scary. |
The Green Peacock Prince posing, Pavo muticus
A male green peacock, Pavo muticus, is attracting a female mate by spreading her very beautiful tail.
Endemic animal in Baluran, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia.
A male green peacock, Pavo muticus, is attracting a female mate by spreading her very beautiful tail. Endemic animal in Baluran, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. |
Dan masih ada beberapa foto yang saya kirimkan untuk meramaikan Photo Contest 2021.
Semoga ada yang nyangkut. Aamiin.
Berikut informasi penerimaan oleh panitia Photo Contest.
The Nature Conservancy
Foto Anda sudah diterbitkan!
Hai Eko Budi,
Terima kasih telah mengikuti Lomba Foto 2021 The Nature Conservancy! Cari foto Anda di galeri kami. Kami mengajak Anda untuk mengunjungi galeri sepanjang bulan Agustus untuk menikmati fotografi alam terkini dari sesama fotografer di seluruh dunia.
Periode pengiriman foto lomba berlangsung hingga 31 Agustus dan Anda dapat mengirimkan foto sebanyak yang Anda inginkan. Dengan berbagi foto, Anda membantu menunjukkan kepada dunia mengapa pelestarian itu penting. Anda mitra penting dalam karya kami untuk melindungi tanah dan air yang paling terancam serta spesies yang menempatinya.
Terima kasih atas kontribusi Anda pada misi kami, dan semoga sukses!
Hormat kami,
Tim Lomba Foto The Nature Conservancy
NB: Voting umum dibuka pada 4 September, jadi ingatlah untuk berkunjung kembali dan membantu memilih pemenang People's Choice Award!
Photography deepens our connection with the planet. We all see the world through a different lens. Share your view with us!
Demikian salah satu tampilan dari informasi yang disampaikan oleh The Nature Conservacy.
Berikut batas waktu lomba
Through photography, you can be part of something big: helping save our planet.
Your photos can show the world the beauty of biodiversity, the value of ecosystems and the resilience of people. Join a community of photographers, get judged by the best in the industry and win great prizes. Enter your wildlife, landscape and other nature photos in our contest from August 1 through August 31, 2021.
Sebagai pengingat bahwa foto foto saya sebagian sudah pernah dikirim dan diikutsertakan di Foto Contest 2021 oleh The Nature Conservacy.
Berikut kutipan dan peraturan dari Panitia Photo Contest dan sengaja saya cantumkan sekaligus untuk pengingat keikutsertaan di Photo Contest 2021 oleh The Nature Conservacy.
Photography Contest Submission Categories
- People and Nature: Recreation, adventure, people enjoying the outdoors
- Landscape: A sense of place, with or without people
- Water: Above, below, or in between
- Wildlife: In the wild or in your backyard
Award Categories
One (1) Grand Prize winner
One (1) People’s Choice winner
Four (4) Category First Place winners, one (1) per category
Four (4) Category Second Place winners, one (1) per category
Photo Contest Prizes
All award winners will receive mention on The Conservancy’s digital presences. In addition, The Conservancy will award the following prizes:
One (1) Grand Prize winner will receive:
$4,000 USD camera kit or camera kit gift card, as determined by The Conservancy in its sole discretion.
One (1) People’s Choice winner will receive:
$1,000 USD Amazon, Mercado Libre or Alibaba gift card as determined by The Conservancy in its sole discrection.
Four (4) Category First Place winners (one (1) per category) will receive:
$750 USD Amazon, Mercado Libre or Alibaba gift card as determined by The Conservancy in its sole discretion.
Four (4) Category Second Place winners (one (1) per category) will receive:
$500 USD Amazon, Mercado Libre or Alibaba gift card as determined by The Conservancy in its sole discretion.
The Official Rules of The Nature Conservancy’s 2021 Photo Contest (the “Contest Rules”)
Questions and inquiries about contest rules can be emailed to
The Nature Conservancy’s 2021 Photo Contest (“Photo Contest”) is open to all professional and amateur photographers who have reached the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence at the time of entry. Trustees, Board Members, Employees, interns, or partners of The Nature Conservancy, as well as the immediate family (spouse, parents, siblings, and children) and household members of those employees, are not eligible to enter.
By submitting an entry to the Photo Contest, entrants certify that their participation in this Photo Contest is not illegal or in violation of any law, regulation, treaty or administrative act, and that the laws of their governing jurisdiction of residence at the time of entry do not prohibit or restrict the receipt of any Prize under this Photo Contest.
The Nature Conservancy (“The Conservancy” or “Sponsor”) reserves the right to reject any entry if, in The Conservancy’s sole discretion, the laws of an applicable jurisdiction, including but not limited to the entrant’s jurisdiction of residence at the time of entry, would prohibit or limit The Conservancy from proceeding with the Contest as intended or the consideration or awarding of any Prize would impose additional administrative, tax, operational, or legal burdens on The Conservancy.
Furthermore, individuals residing in any “Excluded Jurisdiction” are ineligible to enter the Photo Contest. Excluded Jurisdiction means any country listed on the US Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Active Sanctions Programs list:
The Nature Conservancy’s 2021 Photo Contest is sponsored by The Nature Conservancy, 4245 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100, Arlington, VA 22203-1606 (“Sponsor”).
The Photo Contest begins at 12am GMT on August 1, 2021, and ends at 11:59pm GMT on August 31, 2021 (the “Entry Period”). Entries submitted before or after the Entry Period will not be eligible. Sponsor’s computer is the official time-keeping device for the Photo Contest.
Images will be judged on originality, technical excellence, composition, overall impact and artistic merit.
To ensure functionality on our submission platform, please submit files no larger than 25 MB at the time of entry. High resolution-original files will be requested should an entry make it into the final round of editing to be considered for an award or prize of merit.
All photographs should accurately reflect the subject matter and the scene as it appeared. Photos that have been digitally altered beyond standard optimization (cropping, spotting for dust, reasonable adjustments to exposure, color and contrast, etc.) will be disqualified.
Entries may originate in any format—including but not limited to digital files, digital prints, color transparencies, color prints, or black and white prints—so long as they are submitted electronically in a .jpeg, .jpg, or.png format. HDR images are acceptable.
Previously published material for which non-exclusive rights were granted may be entered as long as you maintain the right to grant us a license (see "Your Rights" below). You must be able to disclose when and where the photo appeared previously to The Conservancy upon request.
If you choose to include people in your submission, you are responsible for obtaining the necessary releases from the individuals depicted, and must be able to provide copies of those releases to The Conservancy upon request.
The Conservancy will not accept watermarked submissions.
The following submissions are ineligible:
- Images of captive animals photographed in zoos and commercial game farms.
- Photos that violate or infringe upon another person's rights, including but not limited to copyright and photographs of persons without the necessary consent required by law in your jurisdiction. The Conservancy reserves the right to require entrants to submit evidence of the subject’s legal consent to be photographed for the submitted photograph, which may include a signed waiver from the subject or the subject’s legal guardian or representative.
NOTE: Waiver requirements vary by jurisdiction, and the entrant is responsible for obtaining a legally enforceable waiver from any photographed subject.
- Photos that contain sexually explicit, nude, obscene, violent or other objectionable or inappropriate content.
- Images that involve the willful harassment of wildlife.
- Images taken that cause or caused damage to the environment by the photographer; this includes taking photos from areas where human presence is restricted by authorities or relevant property managers.
- Images that involve putting any individual or animal in danger.
- The Conservancy shall determine entry eligibility in its sole and absolute discretion.
All images must be submitted though our photo submission website. Digital images that are sent via mail or email will not be accepted. If possible, please embed the photographer’s name and caption information in the photo’s metadata.
- The entry forms contain required fields for information about the photo, category to be entered, and contact information for the entrant, including an email address.
- Entrants will be asked to provide the following information in the contest entry process:
- Title of the photo
- Caption: Describe what we see, where it was taken and the story behind the photograph
- Country where photo was taken
- State or province where photo was taken
- Category: People and Nature, Water, Landscape, or Wildlife
- You may enter an unlimited number of photos, but you may not use an agency or automated system to enter.
Sponsor reserves the right to reject any additional entries or entries that do not comply with these Official Rules. By entering, you indicate your unconditional agreement to, and acceptance of, these Official Rules and Sponsor’s decisions, which are final and binding. You cannot win a prize unless you comply with all requirements in these Official Rules.
Entrants may be asked to supplement their submission with more explanation about the photo or to provide a higher resolution version of the photo anytime during the contest period.
Judging will be conducted by a panel of photo editors to be selected by the Sponsor at its sole discretion (the “Panel”). Photos will be judged by the Panel on originality, technical excellence, composition, overall impact, artistic merit and subject matter relevance to The Conservancy’s Priorities and mission.
The Panel will evaluate all valid entries and make daily selections into a group of Judges’ Favorite images, (“Judges’ Favorites”). All winners, including the People’s Choice winner, will be selected from the Judges Favorites. Judges’ Favorites will appear on by 11:59pm GMT September 3, 2021. All judging decisions are final. Please do not contact us about the status of entries or judging.
One (1) People’s Choice winner will selected by the public from among the Judges’ Favorites published on by 11:59pm GMT September 3. Subject to Sponsor’s reservation of rights to reject any entry, the People’s Choice winner will be determined by online voting from the Judges’ Favorites selections.
Voting for People's Choice begins at 12:00am GMT on September 4, 2021, and ends at 11:59pm GMT on September 15, 2021 (the “Voting Period”). Votes submitted before or after the Voting Period will not be eligible. Sponsor’s computer is the official time-keeping device for the Photo Contest.
All winners will be announced on by 11:59pm GMT on September 30, 2021. The Conservancy will notify the winners via the contact information provided at the time of entry.
To request a winners list by mail, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your request to The Nature Conservancy, Photo Contest, 4245 N Fairfax Dr. Suite 100, Arlington, VA 22203. Requests must be received by October 1, 2021.
To the maximum extent permissible by law, all winners are responsible for paying any taxes and any and all other costs and expenses associated with claiming the awards, including but not limited to customs fees, taxes, and any other administrative costs, if applicable. If the prize value equals or exceeds $600, prior to the award of any prize the winner will need to complete, sign and return an IRS W-9 form and/or any applicable tax forms for awarding the prize in the winner’s jurisdiction. Any prize details not specified above will be determined by Sponsor, in its sole discretion. A prize may not be transferred and must be accepted as awarded. A winner may not request cash or a substitute prize; however, Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize with another prize of equal or greater value if the prize is not available for any reason, as determined by Sponsor, in its sole discretion.
Your photographs help The Conservancy protect Earth’s amazing diversity of wildlife, people, plants and habitats. Thank you for helping to further our mission through your photography.
You will retain all rights to any photograph you submit—including ownership if applicable.
If you submit a photograph to the Photo Contest, you grant The Conservancy and its related entities such as affiliates and subsidiaries a royalty-free, non-exclusive right in perpetuity to:
Display the photograph on the Photo Contest submission websites:
Allowing third-parties, including but not limited to media partners and individuals, to share the photograph on social media.
Use the photograph on the Internet and in social media in support of our mission.
Use of the photograph in The Conservancy’s and related entities’ internal and external communications materials including but not limited to web sites and web publications, fact sheets, fund raising publications, advertising, multimedia, presentation and membership services, annual report, newsletters, and Nature Conservancy magazine.
Providing your photograph to other individuals and organizations for Conservancy and related entities’-related use in news stories, social media, newsletters, reports, slide shows, displays, web pages, videos, membership premiums, and the like.
Use of, in connection with the Photo Contest, your name, city, state and country of residence in promotions and other publications.
Retaining a digital copy of your photograph that will be archived in the Conservancy photo library and accessible to Conservancy and related entities’ staff via the Conservancy’s internal online photo archive.
The Conservancy will endeavor to credit all photographs with the credit "Person's Name" when the full name is available.
In the event that the operation, security, or administration of the Photo Contest is impaired in any way, Sponsor may, in its sole discretion, either:
(a) suspend the Photo Contest to address the impairment and then resume the Photo Contest; or
(b) award the prize(s) from among the eligible entries received up to the time of the impairment. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify and seek damages from any individual who tampers with the operation of the Photo Contest, violates these Contest Rules, or acts in a disruptive or unsportsmanlike manner.
Sponsor’s failure to enforce any term of these Contest Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision. Proof of sending any communication to Sponsor by mail shall not be deemed proof of receipt of that communication by Sponsor. In the event of a dispute as to the owner of an online entry, the authorized account holder of the e-mail address used to enter will be deemed to be the owner. The Photo Contest is subject to federal, state, and local laws and regulations and is void where prohibited.
By entering, to the maximum extent permissible by law, you agree to release and hold harmless Sponsor, their respective parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents (the “Released Parties”) from and against any claim or cause of action arising out of participation in the Photo Contest, use of the photograph or associated data (including personal data), or receipt or use of any prize, including, but not limited to: (a) unauthorized human intervention in the Photo Contest; (b) technical errors; (c) printing errors; (d) late or undelivered mail; (e) errors in the administration of the Photo Contest; or (f) injury or damage to persons or property. You waive the right to claim any attorneys’ fees and any damages whatsoever, including, but not limited to, punitive, consequential, direct, or indirect damages.
When you enter, there will be an opt-in to become an e-supporter of The Conservancy. This includes special event invitations, digital messages, text and a monthly e-newsletter. You may cancel and unsubscribe at any time following the unsubscribe instructions provided via those channels.
Any information you submit as part of the Photo Contest will be used in accordance with Sponsor’s Privacy Policy. By submitting such information, you expressly consent to the Conservancy’s Privacy Policy. The information you provide when you enter is provided to Sponsor. Except where prohibited, you consent to Sponsor’s use of your name in any list of winners (if applicable) and/or for promotional purposes in any media without further payment or consideration.
You agree that any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of, or connected with, the Photo Contest or any prize awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by the appropriate court located in Virginia. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Contest Rules, your rights and obligations, or the rights and obligations of Sponsor in connection with the Photo Contest, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Virginia, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules (whether of Virginia or any other jurisdiction), which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than Virginia.
Questions and inquiries about contest rules can be emailed to
wah fotonya bagus bagus
ReplyDeletesaya terkesima sama foto orang utan dan anaknya
kelihatan sekali interestnya
Siap, terima kasih Pak Ikrom, Salam sehat dan Selamat beraktifitas.
DeleteWaaah, semoga menang ya. Saya sependapat dengan Pak Ikrom. Foto orang utannya memang keren.
ReplyDeleteAamiin. Terima kasih Bu Agustina, proses penjurian masih lama dan semoga ada yang nyangkut. Salam sehat dan selamat beratifitas Bu.
DeleteFotonya keren-keren mas Eko, terutama yang harimau, orang hutan, sama merak, semoga menang nanti ya.😀
ReplyDeleteItu berarti waktu memfoto harimau masuk hutan ya mas? Apa ngga seram.😱
Terima kasih Mas Agus, ini difoto pake lensa tele jadi posisinya berjauhan dan memang menunggu moment yang pas dan menunggu he..he..he.... Salam sehat dan selamat beraktifitas.
Deletecongrats pak eko. Itulah susahnya bagi no potografer mengikuti kontes. Walaupun saya punya kamera potografer, pada akhirnya saya lebih suka mengedit gambar untuk kebutuhan membuat aplikasi secara digital, hasilnya instan di dalam studio no need go out door he he he..
ReplyDeleteSiap Pak Sofyan, iya memang terkadang penuh perjuangan untuk menghasilkan foto foto di outdoor. Kebetulan saya suka yang natural dan outdoor menggunakan pencahayaan alam, jadi paling tidak bisa tergantikan dengan kepuasan menjelajah alam. Wah, kapan kapan saya pengin belajar sama Pak Sofyan terkait editing. Salam sehat dan selamat beraktifitas Pak.
DeleteNumpang cuci mata nengok foto cantiknya, Pak Eko. Terima kasih telah berbagi.
ReplyDeleteWah terima kasih Bu Nur sudah ditengok foto saya yang hampir semuanya satwa yang endemik dan asli Indonesia. Salam sehat dan selamat beraktifitas Bu.